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(18 Jun 1988) QUOTE REF ISRAEL/: Israeli army tries to rectify its GS20068802 “image problem“ by training its soldiers to deal with the media more effectively. Israeli Defence Minister Yitzhak Rabin explains to residents in the Occupied West Bank that the proper way to call demonstrations is to apply for permission. Confrontations between Palestinian youths and Israeli security forces continued to take place in Ramallah, Jelazoun and Batir, despite some older Arabs trying to stop the young stone throwers. A general strike called by leaders of the six-month “intifada“ closed shops and was widely obeyed in the , with the Israelis closing schools to prevent trouble involving students. The houses of alleged terrorists were blown up by Israeli authorities as a reprisal. The arab death total since the intifada began now stands at over 210. Date Shot: 14/ Engl com interview WTN GS TAPE & CASSETTE GS200688 t/i ------------------------------------------------------------- SHOWS ISRAEL recent: vs Israeli army training film. vs mock confrontation between soldiers and press. vs film director Michael Carpin blocks out screen. vs Carpin interview “aim is to train soldiers to treat press correctly“. vs TV broadcast of riot coverage. file: real confrontation between army and media. El Bireh vs Rabin with army officers. vs Rabin interview “ we will consider all applications. GAZA vs Palestinian youths hurl rocks at troops, tyres burn, troops chase youths. vs troops on hillside, watching stone throwing Jelazoun Palestinian youth with slingshots and catapults. cs youths. vs soldier aims rifle. vs burning tyre. vs youth create star of david and attempt to burn it. vs older Arabs shout at youth to desist. vs youth kicks soldiers helmet around. vs troops fire tear gas, youth arrested, troops move in on youths in jeeps. Batir vs Batir village sign. vs stone barricade, army jeeps in, ambulance exits. Jelazoun vs school sign and locked gate, empty school yard. vs curtain drawn on empty schoolroom window. vs children play on bikes. Ramallah vs deserted school. vs empty streets and closed shops during general strike. vs Ramallah man drinking tea, troops outside closed shop Nablus vs Israeli troops in jeep in empty street. vs soldier unfolds curfew order. Salsit vs rubble of demolished house. vs youth standing on concrete blocks. vs belongings stacked in streets. vs families in makeshift shelter. vs old woman crying, another yelling, children give V-sign, woman in ruins of home wailing. vs police in street arresting Arab. Ramallah vs children throw stones, police give chase. GAZA vs Israeli army jeeps, fire burning, empty streets and closed shops. GS20068802 Find out more about AP Archive: Twitter: Facebook: ​​ Instagram: You can license this story through AP Archive:

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