1 cup of oatmeal! It’s tastier than pizza! High Protein, Clean Eating Recipe and ingredients: 00:00 Recipe 1 00:15 1 cup oatmeal. 00:18 Salt 1 tsp. 00:20 Dry garlic. 00:23 Italian herbs. 00:28 Mix dry ingredients well. 00:39 cottage cheese 1 cup. 00:41 Mozzarella cheese ½ cup. 00:43 3 eggs. 00:53 Mix well. 01:29 Avocado oil. 02:17 Arugula. 02:26 Green onions. 02:43 Little tomatoes 03:33 Parmesan. 03:42 Mozzarella. 04:00 Italian herbs. 04:09 In the oven/180°C/360°F/30 minutes. 05:19 Recipe 2. 1 Zucchini. Wasser. Haferflocken 1,5 Tassen. Walnüsse 50 g. Salz 1 TL. Sesam 2 TL. Guter Grind. 2 Knoblauchzehen. Gehackte Walnüsse hinzufügen. Kürbiskerne 50 g. Joghurt 3 EL und Backpulver ½ TL. Gehackte Zucchini hinzufügen. Gut mischen. Warten Sie 20 Minuten. Brotmischung auf Backblech legen. Mit Sesamkörnern bestreuen. Im Ofen bei 180 °C/360 °C/50 Minuten. 13:23 Recipe 3. 1 Tasse Haferflocken. Joghurt 2 EL. 1 Ei. Wasser 100 ml. 1 Zwiebel. Olivenöl. Karotten 100 g. Bei mittlerer Hitze braten. 1 Knoblauchzehe. Salz. Parmesan 1 EL. Olivenöl. Sesam. Bei schwacher Hitze braten. 17:10 Recipe 4. Haferflocken 1 Tasse. Ricotta 2 EL. 1 Ei. Wasser 50 ml. Vanillin und Stevia. Pflanzenöl 1 EL 2 Äpfel. Butter 1 TL. Blauer Agavensirup. Bei schwacher Hitze 10 Minuten braten. 21:14 Rezept 5. 1 Zucchini. Salz. Warte 10 Minuten. Haferflocken 4 EL. 100 g Käse. 2 Eier. Pfeffer. Mischen. In den Ofen/20 Minuten/180 °C/360 °F. Bon appetit! Friends, if you liked the video, you can help the channel: 📢 Share this video with your friends on social networks. Chain recipe will be saved on your page! 👍 Rate the video! 👍 - this is nice and important for the development of the channel! WRITE A COMMENT or at least a smiley. It’s not difficult for you, but I will be very happy! Subscribe to Already subscribed? ▶ Turn on the ringtone 🔔 to be informed about new videos!
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