BBC One’s new thriller ‘The Tourist’ is as addictive as it is original. Set in the Australian Outback the six-part series follows The Man, played by Fifty Shades of Grey star Jamie Dornan, as he tries to piece his identity back together after waking up in hospital with amnesia. As fans call for a second series, we’re joined by Danielle Macdonald, who plays enthusiastic probationary constable Helen Chambers, to tell us about working alongside Jamie Dornan, making clumsy blunders on set. Broadcast on 17/01/2022 Subscribe now for more! Stream This Morning live, every weekday from 10am on the ITV Hub 📲 Like, follow and subscribe to This Morning! Website: Instagram: Facebook: Twitter: Join Holly Willoughby and Phillip Schofield, Alison Hammond and Dermot O'Leary as we meet the peo
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