Icecrown Citadel is the greatest fortress of the Scourge and the last bastion of the dread Lich King. Located in the frozen wastes of Icecrown on the continent of Northrend, the Citadel is built around the Frozen Throne that once held the spirit of Ner’zhul until he joined with Arthas Menethil to become the new Lich King. Constructed from saronite, the Citadel is inhabited by some of the strongest and vilest of the Lich King’s minions - a great army of the living dead standing between their dark master and those who seek to destroy him. History: when Kil’jaeden hurled the Lich King into the mortal world, Ner’zhul’s prison of ice, known as the Frozen Throne, slammed into the icy spire of Icecrown Glacier. As the Lich King expanded his influence, the Scourge and the dreadlords built Icecrown Citadel. Arthas Menethil and Illidan Stormrage wrestled for the control of the citadel. As Illidan was defeated, Arthas shattered Ner’zhul’s prison and merged with the Lich King. Death kni
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