Title: “The Philtrum: The Subtle Groove Above Your Lips“ The philtrum, often overlooked but ever-present, is the small indentation on the upper lip, just below the nose. Scientifically known as the “philtrum,“ it is a vestige of our early development in the womb. During fetal development, the growing face fuses together, and the philtrum is the remnant of that process. It’s a unique feature that varies in size and shape among individuals, adding to the charm of each face. The philtrum may be small, but it plays an essential role in forming facial expressions and helping shape our speech sounds. While it might seem inconspicuous, the philtrum is a testament to the intricacies of human development and the distinctive character of each person’s face. #philtrum #medusa #philtrumpiercing #septum #girlswithpiercings #medusapiercing #piercings #piercing #alternative #girlswithtattoos #tattoos #tattooedgirls #stretchedears #septumpiercing #selfie #tattooed #pie
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