The German Reich’s answer to the paratroopers of other nations, the Fallschirmjäger (or Fallschirmjaeger if you can’t reach an umlaut!) were elite troops tasked with spearheading the most difficult offensives or shoring up threatened sectors. READ MORE: Pick up your own plastic Fallschirmjäger here! While ground troops, the Fallschirmjäger were technically soldiers of the Luftwaffe, and their dark blue uniform was a source of pride which made them stand out from the rank and file of the Germany Army, the Heer. Painting the Splittermuster that makes up their mid-to-late war camo smocks is a little more time consuming than my usual method of just bodging irregular splotches of colour on, but by breaking it down into simple geometric shapes and working in stages. Same as painting anything, really! Thanks to Producer level Patrons Alan Nuttall, Kyrie Crawford, Trainboy, and Fr
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