Atishi will be the next CM Of Delhi, making her the third woman to become Delhi CM. To discuss what's next for AAP, we will have BJP Spokesperson Gopal Krishna Agarwal, Senior Journalist Neerja Chowdhury & AAP Spokesperson Anmol Panwar joining us for NewsCenter. #atishi #atishimarlena #arvindkejriwalresignation #kejriwalresignation #aappressconference #aap #delhicm #delhichiefminister #delhiexcisepolicycase #cnbctv18 #cnbctv18digital 🔴CNBC TV18 LIVE TV: SUBSCRIBE to our Channel: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 👑 Check Out Top CNBC TV18 Playlist Videos: 🔹Lok Sabha Elections 2024: 🔹CNBC TV18 Digital Podcast: 🔹Sounding Board:
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