作為一首中國風的流行曲,一耳朵我就知道,赤伶一定很適合用二胡來表現。 曲中戲曲的元素,更是把傳統文化的氛圍渲染到極致。 第一段主歌用二胡演奏, 娓娓道來,一句句從風輕雲淡到逐漸掩飾不了的內心波動,直到副歌,高胡清亮的音色橫空出世,一股腦把一切故事和情緒和盤托出,一段唱罷,卻並未平息,三句用高胡模仿戲腔的樂句為全曲的背景定下基調,同時也引出了情緒更為強烈的樂曲後半部分,最後音樂結束在一種委婉和無奈之中,道無情,道有情,費思量...... 也正因此,這首歌曲音域很廣,一把二胡的音域是絕不足以很好地表現出其完整的音樂張力的。 思來想去,我決定副歌部分用高胡來演奏,並且採用了圓筒的廣東高胡,這種琴相比角筒的樂隊高胡聲音更具有傳統民樂風格,但共鳴稍遜一籌。不過傳統的廣東高胡是夾在腿上拉的,聲音會更扁更具有獨特性。但我捨棄了這種方式,這樣既得到了廣高較為傳統的音色,同時也釋放出了它的共鳴潛力,各有所得。 本作品背景視頻素材來自電影霸王別姬,為 @時憶い 同學所製作的混剪視頻,已授權。 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The first time i heard CHI LING, a pop song in Chinese style,I know it must be very suitable for erhu performing. The atmosphere of Chinese traditional culture has been rendered extremely with Chinese opera in that song. While listening , you can feel colorful emotional changes. For the beginning, in first verse played with Erhu, it sound like someone leaved something behind really precious for him (her) but which the man couldn’t get. The feeling is obscure, just like the typical oriental tradition. But gradually the inner emotion couldn’t be concealed when Gao Hu’s clear tone appeared. The second half of the music was led by Gaohu to more intense emotions, setting the tone for the whole song by imitating Chinese opera tune. Finally, the music ended in a kind of obscurity and helplessness. The range of this song is very wide, and the range of an erhu is by no means sufficient to express its complete musical tension. For this reason, I decided to use cylindrical Cantonese Gaohu for the chorus part. Compared with the horn-tube band Gaohu, this instrument has talent for playing traditional folk music style, but the remix is slightly worse. However, The traditional way of playing Cantonese Gaohu is pulled on the leg. In this way the sound will be flatter and more unique. Yet I used a new way to perform for not only getting the more traditional sound of Guanggao, but also releasing its potential remix. But anyway, no matter which way you play, it has its own benefits. The background video material of this work comes from the movie Farewell My Concubine, a mixed cut video produced by @时忆い classmate, authorized.(translate by Pfannenstiel)
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