In a galaxy far away, on a planet of wonders, lived a young girl named Cinderella. Her home was a floating cottage in the clouds, and her stepmother and stepsisters were holographic projections. Cinderella longed to attend the Galactic Ball, a grand event held on a distant space station. But her stepmother and stepsisters, holographic holograms, prevented her from going, cruelly declaring, “You're not worthy!“ Feeling heartbroken, Cinderella's robotic pet, Cosmo, tried to cheer her up. “Don't worry, Cinderella. I'll find a way,“ he beeped with determination. Suddenly, a bright beam of light engulfed the room, and a holographic fairy godmother appeared. “Greetings, Cinderella. I'm Halley, your fairy AI godmother. I'm here to make your dreams come true!“ she said with a warm smile. With a flick of her virtual fingers, Halley transformed Cinderella's simple attire into an elegant s
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