As India’s New Delhi grapples with severe levels of air pollution, the upcoming Diwali festival will likely worsen the situation. On Friday, residents of New Delhi woke up to a thick layer of toxic smog, prompting authorities to close some schools for two days, as the AQI reached 480 in several parts of the city. Due to severe pollution, school closed, but classes continue online. “The children’s health is most important,“ said school teacher Josephine George. This situation has raised concerns for the Cricket World Cup, which is currently being held in India. The Indian Cricket Board (BCCI) recently announced a ban on fireworks displays during the remaining matches of the tournament as a measure to combat pollution. Players have expressed concern about the toxic air with India’s cricket team captain, Rohit Sharma urging change for “future generations.“ For more info, please go to Subscribe to Global News Channel HERE: Like Global News on Facebook HERE: Follow Global News on Twitter HERE: Follow Global News on Instagram HERE: #GlobalNews #India #NewDelhi #airpollution
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