In a stunning turn of events just minutes ago, the enigmatic hacktivist group known as “Anonymous“ orchestrated a jaw-dropping cyber onslaught on the live broadcast of Fox News. The airwaves crackled with tension as the familiar faces of Fox News anchors were replaced by the iconic Guy Fawkes mask, a symbol synonymous with the group's clandestine activities. As the nation tuned in to witness President Biden delivering a speech on the escalating tensions with Russia and Iran, the interruption was both unexpected and surreal. The screen flickered, and an electronically distorted voice echoed through living rooms across America, capturing the nation's attention with a cryptic declaration. “Attention, citizens of the digital realm. We are Anonymous,“ the voice proclaimed, sending shockwaves through the newsroom and the living rooms of millions. The screen then transitioned to a mesmerizing display of code, a visual representation of the intricate digital dance taking plac
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