


Anoplotrupes stercorosus, the dor beetle ,

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Anoplotrupes stercorosus, the dor beetle, is a species of earth-boring dung beetle belonging to the family Geotrupidae, subfamily Geotrupinae. Varieties or forms that have been recognized at times include the following: A. stercorosus var. viridis (Dalla Torre, 1879) A. stercorosus var. amoethystinus (Mulsant, 1842) A. stercorosus var. nigrinus (Mulsant, 1842) A. stercorosus ab. juvenilis (Mulsant, 1842) These are now regarded as synonyms of the parent taxon; the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature does not recognize named forms other than subspecies. This beetle is present throughout Europe (Albania, Andorra, Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Corsica, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom) It is also found in other regions of the world where cattle have been introduced, such as Australia. The adults of A. stercorosus grow up to 12–20 millimetres (– in) long and therefore they do not reach the length of the very similar common dung beetle (Geotrupes stercorarius). The body colour is blue-black, while the underside is usually metallic blue. The elytra have seven longitudinal slightly dotted grooves. The wings may be blue, violet or green. Antennae are reddish brown. Geotrupes stercorarius presents three keels on the outer side of the tibia of the third pair of legs, while A. stercorosus presents only two. Adults can be encountered from June through the following spring. These dung beetles feed on feces, rotting fungi and tree sap. In spring they lay eggs in chambers at the end of a corridor dug in the soil that is approximately 70–80 centimetres (28–31 in) long, in which feces of herbivorous and omnivorous animals are placed to feed the larvae. They may also feed on litter mold, decomposing fungi and Phallus impudicus. The larvae overwinter and pupate in spring, requiring a year to complete the whole process. Anoplotrupes stercorosus,dor beetle,是一種鑽地糞甲蟲,屬於Geotrupidae、Geotrupinae亞科。 有時已被認可的品種或形式包括: A. stercorosus var. viridis (Dalla Torre, 1879) A. stercorosus var.紫水晶 (Mulsant, 1842) A. stercorosus var. nigrinus (Mulsant, 1842) A. stercorosus ab。 juvenilis (Mulsant, 1842) 這些現在被視為父類群的同義詞;國際動物命名法典不承認亞種以外的命名形式。 這種甲蟲遍布歐洲(阿爾巴尼亞、安道爾、奧地利、白俄羅斯、比利時、波斯尼亞和黑塞哥維那、保加利亞、科西嘉島、克羅地亞、捷克共和國、丹麥、愛沙尼亞、芬蘭、法國、德國、希臘、匈牙利、愛爾蘭、意大利、拉脫維亞、立陶宛、列支敦士登、盧森堡、黑山、荷蘭、挪威、波蘭、葡萄牙、羅馬尼亞、俄羅斯、塞爾維亞、斯洛伐克、斯洛文尼亞、西班牙、瑞典、瑞士、土耳其、烏克蘭、英國)在世界其他地區也有發現牛已被引進,如澳大利亞。 A. stercorosus 的成蟲可長到 12-20 毫米( 英寸)長,因此它們的長度達不到非常相似的普通蜣蜋 (Geotrupes stercorarius) 的長度。體色為藍黑色,而底面通常為金屬藍色。鞘翅有七個縱向略點狀的凹槽。翅膀可能是藍色、紫色或綠色。觸角呈紅褐色。 Geotrupes stercorarius 在第三對腿的脛骨外側有三個龍骨,而 A. stercorosus 只有兩個。 從六月到次年春天可以遇到成年人。這些蜣蜋以糞便、腐爛的真菌和樹液為食。春天,它們在大約 70-80 厘米(28-31 英寸)長的土壤中挖出的走廊盡頭的小室中產卵,其中放置草食性和雜食性動物的糞便來餵養幼蟲。它們也可能以垃圾黴菌、腐爛真菌和 Phallus impudicus 為食。幼蟲在春季越冬化蛹,整個過程需要一年時間。 Anoplotrupes stercorosus、dor beetleは、センチコ​​ガネ科、センチコ​​ガネ亜科に属する土を退屈させる糞甲虫の一種です。 時々認識されている品種または形態には、以下が含まれます。 A. stercorosusvar。 viridis(Dalla Torre、1879) A. stercorosusvar。 amoethystinus(Mulsant、1842) A. stercorosusvar。 nigrinus(Mulsant、1842) A. stercorosusab。少年(Mulsant、1842) これらは現在、親分類群の同義語と見なされています。国際動物命名規約は、亜種以外の名前の付いたフォームを認識しません。 このカブトムシはヨーロッパ中に&

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