800 years ago, terrifying demons threatened mankind's existence. On the brink of extinction, humans prayed to their gods, calling out for someone to save them. Emerging from these desperate pleas for salvation, battle deities known as the “Idaten“ were born. Possessing unnatural strength and endurance, the Idaten managed to defeat the demons and an era of unprecedented peace was finally ushered in. Watch More Anime Recaps! ► ► Genre : Adventure, Fantasy, Bloody, Intense, Mythology, Seinen anime recap,anime summary,summarizing animes,animes,horror anime,monster anime,how to defeat animes,defeating animes,recap,how to win anime,how to beat animes,mr recap animes,mr recap,anirecaps,comic dub,voice dub,anime,manga,webtoons,manga dubs,webtoon dubs,Kanon's RomCom Mangas,Kanon,RomCom,Romance,Comedy,Love,manga room,manga neko,Etra,comic dub,story,anime,manga,comic ___________________________________________________ Thanks for watching&
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