This drama adaptation focuses on the bromance between former special forces soldier Guo Yang (Yang Shi Ze) and narcotics officer Zhang Chen (Cai Zhi Chen-Ryota). In order to bring down a drug trafficking organization, Zhang Chen approaches Guo Yang and asks him to become his partner. Zhang Chen has been deep undercover for two years, and although he is loyal to the police force his one desire is to catch the drug boss, aka “Poison King“ and return to his mother. She thinks her son a vagabond who dropped out of the police academy. In reality he was hand-picked as the brightest and most accurate sharp shooter to infiltrate the drug scene. When Zhang Cheng comes across former undercover Guo Yang, who struggles with PTSD, he recognizes his need for a partner that can crack the drug ring. Guo Yang is cold at first, but Zhang Cheng's bright attitude and refusal to back down wins him over. Just when the two are cementing their friendship, the Poison King kidnaps Zhang Chen's mother and threatens to kill her if the undercover agent doesn't become his pawn. When Zhang Chen thwarts Guo Yang's capture of the drug boss to protect his mom, the two's partnership is severed. Angered at the supposed betrayal, Guo Yang writes off his new friend even though he is secretly devastated. When the truth comes out, Guo Yang rushes to heal their partnership and help Zhang Chen save his family. This drama series is told in 3 separate videos. #Bromance #YangShiZe #ChineseDrama Also Known As: Chen Yang , The First Light Genres: Action, Suspense, Crime, Investigation Single Mother, Slight Comedy, PTSD, Wrongfully Accused, Strong Friendship, Police, Adapted From A Novel, Bromance
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