In an exclusive chat with actor, writer and producer Ashish Sharma, he speaks about how he got into acting after a failed reality show experience. He also speaks about how few of his films, even after shooting didn’t get released and how LSD became his first movie to be released. He speaks about his entry in TV after a lot of hesitation and how TV made his father feel proud of him. He also speaks about Rang Rasiya with Sanaya Irani and why it was made out of anger. He speaks about being replaced in Action Replay which starred Aishwarya Rai and Akshay Kumar and Aditya Roy Kapur replaced him. He also spoke about how his wife Archana Taide has shaped him. He gets emotional talking about his father and how he was back from the dead. Buy all my latest merchandise from: #ashishsharma #aishwaryaraibachchan #akshaykumar Click here to Subscribe :- Follow Me On - Facebook - Instagram - Twitter -
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