- MPEG, 720x576 (Russian version) Once upon a time in Toontown There was a cat that had it all: Fortune and fame, Top of the game, Up until he hit the wall. Now he makes a living downtown Walking on a brand new beat, Slipping through the new day, Tripping on a two-way, Ticket down a one way street. Who’s that cop Cracking up crime? Stop the clock, Hope he gets here on time! Let’s go Bonkers, Yeah! Totally nuts! No if’s, and’s or but but’s. Someone’s stealing the show. Can’t see you! Gotta go, go! Things getting out of control! Now he’s caught in a trap, Ready to snap, Zapping the cap And then taking the rap. But you can’t hold back That wacky attack, That’s why you’re still our star! Cause you’re Bonkers, Bonkers, Bonkers, Bonkers Wherever you Wherever you Wherever you Wherever you are! Once upon a time in Toontown, there was a cat that had it all: Fortune and fame, top of the game, up unt
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