After Popular Actor Tunisha Sharma died by suicide, her former boyfriend and co-star Sheezan Khan has been taken into police custody. The Popular TV star Tunisha, 20, was discovered hanged in the restroom of the set of her most recent episode of Ali Baba: Dastaan-E-Kabul. On December 24, a Saturday, she committed suicide in Mumbai. There have been a number of suicide theories put up, but according to Tunisha Sharma’s mother, the actress killed herself because she was distraught over an affair she had with Sheezan Khan, a co-star on the television series Ali Baba: Dastaan-E-Kabul. Speaking to Times Now Journalist Shehzan’s sister Falaknaaz said that her brother and her entire family are cooperating with the police and they have full faith in the judiciary. #tunishasharma #tunishasharmasuicide #Sheehzan Khan Times Now - Times Now News channel examines news with in-depth analysis. We provide much more than the latest news and breaking news of the day. Times Network houses upscale television channe
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