Two hundred people multiplied by £123 per night, equals £24,600 per day. But who is the owner? Well its the very British Siddharth Mahajan who runs Tulip Hotels, and they asked him about how much he was being paid. And he gives 3 different excuses, “I can’t answer that. I do not know,” he said. “I am just the landlord and I employ Countrywide Hotels to run the do not have that information.” 🤡🌍Welcome To Clown World🤡🌍 BBC LIES: YouTube Memberships: THIS IS SATIRE THIS IS COMEDY THIS IS ENTERTAINMENT THESE AREN’T MY REAL VIEWS I’M NOT EVEN A CLOWN! 🤡🌍 Keep the comments factual & respectable It AINT the PEOPLE, It’s the POLITICIANS ❤️🤡🌍
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