Title: Geddy Lee's “Stage Spill“ Date & Place: August 14, 1983, Montreal, Canada During a spirited performance in Montreal, Geddy Lee, the multifaceted frontman of Rush, found himself in an unexpected and lighthearted situation that brought laughter to the audience and his bandmates. Amidst Rush's dynamic concert, known for their technical prowess and high-energy performances, Lee was passionately delivering his bass lines and vocals. However, during a particularly lively song, as he moved across the stage, his foot caught on a cable, causing him to trip. In a split second, Lee stumbled, managing to keep his balance for a moment before eventually landing on the stage floor. The audience, initially concerned, let out gasps as they witnessed the unexpected spill. However, true to his resilient and good-natured character, Lee quickly turned the moment into a comedic interlude. With a self-deprecating chuckle, he looked up from the stage floor and quipped,
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