THE SHOFAR CALLS US TO ACTION! ’WE ARE THE CHURCH“ The return of our King is upon us! Prepare yourselves! Why Blow the Shofar ? to Worship- Hebrew Tekiah 2. Repentance & Brokenness- Shvarim 3. Warfare & Celebration - Teruah 4. Healing - the rapture - Tekiah Gedolah What these different sounds mean: TE’KI’AH - a long blast with one or two notes. Praise/Worship SH’VA’RIM - 3 medium blasts, two tones each. Repent /Broken TE’RU’AH - 9 short, staccato blasts. Warfare & Victory TE’KI’AH GE’DO’LAH : an extra long single is the jubilee note extended as long as one can … and represents the great last trumpet sound when the Lord returns as King when we who are saved receive new bodies and we are all healed. Also used to call upon God. A thanks for his Mercy /Goodness/Redemption. More info on shofar here ▼▼▼ Download Shofar Blast Sound Here ▼▼▼
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