“from ARGONAVIS” is a boy band project originated from the multimedia franchise “BanG Dream!”, with an original anime, rhythm game, comics and live concerts featuring the voice actors. GYROAXIA is a rock band of five members, consisting of Vo. Nayuta Asahi (CV. Jin Ogasawara), Gt. Kenta Satozuka (CV. Shinichi Hashimoto), Gt. Reon Misono (CV. Takumi Mano), Ba. Ryo Akebono (CV. Hiroto Akiya) and Dr. Miyuki Sakaigawa (CV. Kousuke Miyauchi). Here is a highlight video from the last leg of their tour held from August 6 to September 3, 2022, at the closing performance in Tokyo Dome City Hall. ◆from ARGONAVIS OFFICIAL HP: ARGONAVIS merch available on the Bushiroad Global Online Store!
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