In the year 2024, chaos reigns as the forces of corruption have established an economic system built upon the exploitation of the masses to enrich a privileged few, including the Aschenazi elite. Manipulated by various Elohim races, humanity finds itself ensnared in a post-truth reality. It falls upon individuals to ready themselves for battle and restore order to the universe. The Emperor has been reborn, and the rallying cry resounds across the stars: “Protect us, O Emperor, from the snares of the heretic, the mutant, the xeno, and the empty corrupted human beings. In you, we place our unwavering faith. In you, we seek sanctuary. In you, we find our avenger.“ ΑΩ: “My warriors clad in ceramite, In battles fierce, you shine so bright. Borne of my blood, my chosen few, In your might, my will imbue. Through darkest nights and bloodied fields, Your loyalty, a fortress it shields. With bolter's roar and chainsword's bite, You smite my
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