Nottingham, Nottinghamshire. GV. Start of the British middleweight title fight between Johnny Pritchett who comes out of the left hand corner and the black boxer Nat Jacobs. SV. The fighters boxing in the centre of ring. SCU. The promoter Reg King watching the fight. GV. With Pritchett on left as Jacobs moves in. CU. The two fighters swopping punches and then going into clinch. CU. Feet. CU. Pritchett. SV. Pritchett moves into the attack and lands good punches. CU. Feet. SCU Pritchett and Jacobs swopping punches in middle of ring. SV. Crowd. SV. Tired Nat Jacobs in his corner at the end of the 12th round, & CU. SV. Pritchett comes out for the 13th round. GV. Pritchett moves into the attack. SV. The boxers with Jacobs on the ropes. He moves clear. SCU. Pritchett as he moves in and punishes Jacobs again on the ropes. Bell goes and referee steps in to part boxers. GV. Boxers walk back to corners. CU. Man in crowd. SCU. Referee in Jacobs’ corner, consulting with seconds, he stops the fight. SC. Pritchett rece
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