Green Tara Mantra\Green Tara Chanting\绿度母菩萨心咒\綠度母 (多羅菩薩) 咒语\真言陀罗尼\梵文\梵音\佛教\歌曲\ 梵呗\功德利益\4K高清\OM TARE TUTTARE TURE SVAHA Tara, who Tibetans also call Dolma, is commonly thought to be a Bodhisattva or Buddha of compassion and action, a protector who comes to our aid to relieve us of physical, emotional and spiritual suffering. Tara has 21 major forms, each of which has a different color and spiritual attribute. Of these 21 forms, two are especially popular among Tibetan people — White Tara, who is associated with compassion and long life, and Green Tara, who is associated with enlightened activity and abundance. Green Tara’s gaze is open, warm, and kind. As the principle of Active Compassion, she is immediately accessible to all who turn to her. She is known as a protrectress and one who comes swiftly to those who call upon her in times of danger. She is a protector of travelers, and women giving birth say her mantra. She gives comfort, help and protection in the most mundane of the difficulties and concerns of ordinary people. Traditionally she is known as ‘The One Who Rescues from the Eight Calamities’ or ‘Eight Great Fears’, which are: the fear of lions, elephants, snakes, fires, floods, robbers, demons, and imprisonment. Add to those the multitude of terrors that besets all who live in the early 21st century, such as terrorism, ecological devastation, nuclear annihilation, diseases such as cancer or AIDS, isolation and destitution ~ fears bearing the particular mark of our time. In particular, she protects us from the internal poisons and distortions wrought by fear, among them pride, ignorance, rage, wrong views, and doubt. 「綠度母」於「藏傳佛教」為極普遍及極受尊崇之「本尊」(「本尊」即「本法之尊」,為「藏傳佛教」對佛菩薩的尊稱。),其靈驗及慈悲,一如漢土的「觀世音」菩薩。「度母」全稱為「聖救度母」,為觀世音菩薩的化身。早期譯為「多羅菩薩」 (Skt.: Tara, Tib.: Drolma),又稱「多羅尊、多羅尊觀音、多羅觀世音、綠度母、救度母、聖救度佛母」。意譯為「眼、極度、救度」,是密宗「觀音部」的佛母,共有二十一尊,故被稱為「二十一度母」(21 Taras)。「度母」的名稱遍聞於十方,由諸佛所授記,真實不虛。 《度母本源记》说:观音菩萨在无量劫前,已普救了无数众生,可是有一天,菩萨用她的慧眼观察六道,发现受苦的众生并未减少,顿生忧悲,双眼流出眼泪,眼泪变成了莲花,莲花又变成了绿度母,接着又变出了二十一尊度母。 《绿度母颂》:二十一度母是绿度母的不同事业所化现的佛母,绿度母则是二十一度母所有功德的总摄聚集。 「绿」是春天的颜色,代表万物生生不息的滋长之气,蕴含一片新生的契机。 「度」是度化,自度而度人。「己欲立而立人」,「己欲达而达人」。是助人工作的本质。 「母」是德行。是以母性的厚德之道与本源的根性,来表现大千世界的涵容心。 绿度母心咒:“嗡。达 咧。都 达 咧。都 咧。莎 哈” (梵文:Oṃ Tāre Tuttāre Ture Svāhā)。 用音聲來修持諸佛菩薩法門,包括了名號、咒語、禮讚、祈請等等。 稱念多羅菩薩(度母)的名號有很多方式,第一種的是漢語文法習慣念法:「南無多羅菩薩(Namo Tara Pusa)!」六字,像《普門品》記載的:「南無觀世音菩薩!」方式一樣。第二種的是梵語文法習慣念法:「Nama Arya Taraye!」(Namo變成Nama是因為梵語的連音規則的變化)也非常的好。 在古印度,有一位窮人念誦聖多羅菩薩名號並作虔誠祈禱後,有一位身著葉衣的女子出現在窮人的眼前,並作授記說:“去東方吧!”,這位窮人就去了東方。路途中在一座沙丘上休息睡著時,被鈴聲吵醒,他看見一匹佩帶有綠
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