PM Modi will visit Varanasi on June 18 for the first time after assuming office for a third consecutive term. Preparations are in full swing; special arrangements are being made ahead of PM Modi’s visit. The PM will be welcomed with ‘Shankhnaad’ alongside a special ‘Aarti’ at Ganga Ghat. He will later release the 17th installment of the PM-KISAN scheme and will honour them with Kisan Samman Nidhi. In the parliamentary seat of Varanasi, PM Modi defeated India Alliance’s Congress candidate, Ajay Rai #PMModi #Varanasi #GangaGhat Join ANI’s YouTube membership to get access to perks: Subscribe now and press the bell icon 🔔 to get new video updates: -------------------------------------- ANI is South Asia’s leading Multimedia News Agency providing content for every information platform, including TV, Internet, broadband, newspapers, and mobiles. Subscribe now! Enjoy and stay co
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