Join actor Malin Akerman and director Todd Strauss-Schulson for an exclusive discussion and Q&A session on their latest project, The Final Girls. This quirky comedy film follows Max, a teenager who finds herself mysteriously trapped with her friends inside an ’80s slasher movie, starring her own mother, a celebrated scream queen played by Akerman. As they try to escape the fictional world, Max is reunited with her mother, who she lost in real life. The Final Girls is a unique blend of comedy, horror, and heart that will keep audiences on the edge of their seats. Don’t miss this chance to hear from the stars themselves about their experiences making this thrilling and nostalgic film. Join us for an unforgettable event as we delve into the behind-the-scenes of this cult classic. Get ready for an insightful and entertaining discussion with Malin Akerman and Todd Strauss-Schulson as they share their insights on what it takes to create a one-of-a-kind comedy-horror hybrid that will leave audiences laughing and screaming for more. Grab your tickets now and join us for an unforgettable evening of fun and excitement! #malinakerman
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