The Bensalem, PA and Fairfield, CA Spaulding cadets tackle their first ever decomp job. An elderly man dies on his kitchen floor after waiting for an organ transplant that didn’t come. What lies beneath his body has to be demolished and disposed... ✩ FOLLOW US ✩ ✭YOUTUBE: ✭TWITTER: ✭FACEBOOK: ✭INSTAGRAM: ———————————— HOTLINES National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: Call 1-800-273-8255 Lifeline Crisis Chat: Hoarding: Disaster Distress Hotline (SAMHSA): (800) 985-5990 Veteran’s Crisis Line: (800) 273-8255 GriefShare: 1-800-395-5755 Trevor Hotline (Suicide) 1-866-4-U-TREVOR . (Self-Abuse Finally Ends) 1-800-DONT-CUT ———————————— ✩ SUPPORT THE SHOW ✩ ✭Buy Merch: ✭Become a Certified Crime Scene Cleaner: ✭Give us feedback by liking and commenting ✭Share our videos with friends and family ✭Visit our website: ✭As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases listed below. ✩ CLEAN LIKE THE PROS ✩ ✭ Get Stains Out: ✭ Getting Rid of a Smell?: ✭ Fresh Air: https: ✭ Let’s Suit up: ✭ Mold Problems: ✩ RECCOMENDED READS ✩ ✭Rich Dad Poor Dad: ✭The E Myth: ✭Can’t Hurt Me: ———————————— #SpauldingDecon #CrimeSceneCleaning #MaggietheMaggot
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