Tokiwasou, a legendary two-floor apartment in Minaminagasaki, Toshima Ward. Japanese manga legends like Tezuka Osamu, Fujiko F. Funio, Ishinomori Shotaro, and Akatsuka Fujio lived here in their youths and the story of their halcyon days are brought to life on stage by Yoshimoto Shinkigeki Members, Yoshimoto comedians, and actors in this stunning comedy stage play. Rediscover anime and manga mecca Toshima ward as never before seen, transplanted into the present day with the hopes and dreams of today’s youth! The unwavering hopes and dreams of youth flow across generations in comedic fashion as the trials and tribulations of struggling youth meet dreams of creators past! 豊島区南長崎の伝説の2階建てアパート、トキワ荘。手塚治虫、「藤子不二雄」の藤本弘と安孫子素雄、石ノ森章太郎、赤塚不二夫ら日本を代表する漫画家を輩出したトキワ荘を舞台に、吉本新喜劇一座、吉本芸人、吉本俳優たちが青春コメディ芝居を上演。漫画・アニメの聖地としての豊島区を再発見する。 現代の若者たちが現代らしい夢を抱きながら過ごす現代のトキワ荘。 夢
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