


Manjushri Bodhisattva

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🧧 CNY 2024 🍊🏮Dharma events led by Khenpo Khenrap & Sangha’s from 636 years old Namgyal Monastery in Mustang, Nepal. 🧧 2024年 春节🍊🏮佛法祈愿 尼泊尔慕斯唐 636 年历史尊胜佛寺 堪布·金仁巴及僧团主持 The pujas led by Khenpo Khenrap & three more selected and highly trained Khenpos & Lama who underwent strict training. Namgyal Monastery, was established in the 15th century. It is a highly significant monastery in the Sakya tradition of Tibetan Buddhism in the Mustang region of Nepal. 由 堪布 Khenrap主法与带领的法会,还有3位经过严格培训的精选堪布僧团。 尊胜佛寺 庙位于慕斯唐,创建于15世纪。它是尼泊尔慕斯唐藏传佛教萨迦派非常重要的寺庙。 緣此,僧團依允信眾所請,將舉辦殊勝祈福法會,迴向給大家。 Click link to Join Puja 报名参加法会 ****************************************** Monday. 29th January 2024 9:00 am -中心特别祝福祈愿 Special Blessing Prayers for Centre 8:00pm - Teaching by Khenpo Khenrap ✅皈依与菩提心的重要性 Importance of Refuge and Boddhicitta Tuesday. 30th January 2024 8:00pm - Teaching by Khenpo Khenrap ✅居士出离心实修 Practising Renunciation in Lay Life Wednesday. 31st January 2024 8:00pm - Teaching by Khenpo Khenrap ✅密宗上师依止 Guru Devotion in Tantrayana Thursday. 1st February 7:30pm ✅度母祈愿法会 Tara puja Friday. 2nd February 7:30pm to pm ✅药师佛 法会 Medicine buddha puja Saturday. 3rd February. 护法祈愿 :✅大黑天 法会 Mahakala puja 9:30am to 11:30am pm to pm 7:30 pm to 9:30pm Sunday. 4th February 9:30 am to am ✅长寿三尊法会 3 long life deities puja 7:30pm to 9pm ✅黄财尊 及 黑财尊水供 法会 Yellow and black Zhambhala water offering puja. *************************** Mahakala is to protect the Dharma and to help in overcoming negative obstacles on one’s path to enlightenment. 大黑天的使命是保护佛法,并帮助克服通向开悟之路上的负面障碍。 Mahakala purify all negative forces and dispels the obstacles on the path of our spiritual growth. Mahakala helps us fulfill our wishes for benefits of beings, prevents mental illnesses and fears, helps gain insight and control of situations, and awakens wisdom. Performing a great Mahakala puja helps practitioners to remove external as well as internal obstacles,fulfill all the wishes, eliminating the habitual patterns resulted from the five poisons, experience emptiness, and accomplishing the grand benefits of all sentient beings. 大黑天净化一切负面力量,遣除我们在修行道上的障碍。大黑天加持我们实现有益于众生的愿望,预防心灵上的恐惧,协助顺缘福得和掌控局势,并唤醒智慧。 进行大黑天仪轨法会有助于修行者消除外在和内在的障碍,实现所有愿望,消除由五毒所导致的惯性思维,证悟空性,并圆满一切有情众生的伟大功德利益。 *********** Pal Ewam Namgyal Monastic Secondary School 2 (Science stream) ✅ ✅Namgyal Monastery Mustang has more than 635 years old of Buddhism History 尊胜佛寺拥有超过 635 年佛教历史 ✅His Holiness 42nd Sakya Trizin Rinpoche Visit To Namgyal Monastery, Mustang #NamgyalMonasteryMustang #Sakya #ShriBodhiDharma #吉祥菩提佛学会 #萨迦 #Mahakala #大黑天 #度母 #Tara

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