Voice : Srila BV Narayana Goswami Maharaj Source : CD from the book Gopi Gita Images superimposed on voice in the video || Gopi Geet || . Srimad Bhagavat contains Gopi Geet. It is contained in the first half of book ten, chapter 31, verses 1 to 19 of Bhagavat Purana. ... In nineteen tender verses, Gopis, narrate his glory at the time of his disappearance during the Rasa Leela. Krishna planned Rasa leela to lift Gopis’ to a higher spiritual state. Lord Krishna was perturbed by the introvert pursuit of Gopis and in order to teach them a lesson, he disappeared into the forest. Gopis became breathless when they did not find Krishna, Bemused Gopis’ looked all over. Then, with their mind, soul and body in unison with Krishna’s memories, they arrived at the banks of river Yamuna. Immersed in his unfathomable love and earnestly longing for his heavenly vision, Gopis’ started singing the glory of his divine grace and the very tunes became known as Gopi Geet - cries for Krishna. Due to restricted space for comments here please visit the following URL for a complete text of Gopi Geet in Sanskrit alongwith Romanised English and the translated meaning. . #!/?fbid=2524749210307&set=&type=3&theater -------------------------------------------------- Glory to the esoteric philosophy of the devotional Vedanta dating back to more than 5,000 year-old bhakti tradition of ancient India. This celebrated Sanskrit classic of India reveals the purpose of human life and the nature of pure spiritual love. Its divine poetry was originally sung by the young cowherd-maidens (gopis) of Vraja to their beloved Sri Krishna, God Himself, while searching for Him in the autumn moonlight on the banks of the sacred river Yamuna. Concealing Himself from their sight, He listened in adoration and wonder to their expression of amorous love for Him. This exquisite and authoritative edition of Gopi-gita is yet another of Sri Srimad Bhaktivedanta Narayana Gosvami Maharaja’s invaluable gifts to humanity. Enlightening and thoughtprovoking, it illuminates the glories of the transcendental maidens of Vraja, and especially of Srimati Radharani, the Supreme Feminine Personality and the embodiment of the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna’s pleasure potency. Let there be no roadblocks for those who can’t order/afford this Great book. You may download the book from this link { } which is a 52 MB file with the Gopi Gita song sung By Srila Narayan Goswami Maharaja embeded in the PDF file itself. The moment you venture on page 31 of the PDF file, which also commences the commentary on verse 1 of the gopi gita, the song kicks in and thereafter you have a floating control box to control the song. Let money be not a limiting factor for those who can’t afford to buy this classic sanskrit masterpiece. If you have any concerns or suggestions, please feel free to write at skjha at Yahoo dot com.
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