Movie name: Chang’an 2023 Chinese name: 长安三万里(Chang’an San Wan Li) 30,000 Miles From Chang’an City Release date: July 8, , in theaters, China. Animation studio: Light Chaser Animation 追光动画 2019 White Snake 白蛇缘起 2021 Green Snake 青蛇劫起 2021 New Gods Nezha Rebron 哪吒重生 2022 New Gods Yang Jian 新神榜杨戬 2023 Chang’an 长安三万里(Chang’an San Wan Li) 30,000 Miles From Chang’an 2024 White Snake 3 白蛇浮生 (Bai She Fu Sheng) 🌱❤️ 长安三万里 Chang’an 历史背景简介Brief History 中国唐朝(公元618~907年)中的盛唐时期(公元713~755)是中国历史上最强盛最波澜壮阔的时代,文化灿烂,诗人辈出。张九龄、张若虚,王之涣、孟浩然, 王维,王昌龄,李白,高适,杜甫,刘长卿、岑参等,每一个都是中国诗史上有名的人物。其中最有名的,是李白,被称作诗仙。 China’s Tang Dynasty (618-907 A.D.) was the most powerful and magnificent era in Chinese history, with brilliant culture and numerous poets. The most famous of them is Li Bai, known as the Immortal of Poetry. 公元744年,名满天下的李白、初出茅庐的杜甫和仗剑游侠的高适三个人相遇同游,出则同行,寝则同床,留下了文学史上的千古佳话。(也是近年网络流传梗的出处: 寻仙人,采仙草,炼仙丹。) In 744 A.D., Li Bai, who was well-known in the Tang, Du Fu, who was just a fledgling, and Gao Shi, who is good at martial arts, met and had an amazing journey together. 故事发生在十年后的公元756年,而同时,这也是唐朝从盛转衰,战乱动荡的一年。 The story took place ten years later in 756 AD, and it was also a year when the Tang Dynasty turned from prosperity to decline and was turbulent due to wars. 公元755年冬,安禄山之乱爆发,时任幕僚的高适,随哥舒翰戍守潼关。唐玄宗急于求生,强令已年老伤病的哥舒翰出关迎敌,最终哥舒翰兵败被俘。而高适亲眼目睹了这一名将惨剧的发生。 In the winter of 755 A.D., An’s rebellion broke out. Gao Shi, who served as a clerk, followed the general Geshu to guard the Tong Pass. Desperate for survival, Emperor Tang forced the elderly and sick general Geshu to go out to meet the enemy, but Geshu was eventually defeated and captured. And Gao Shi witnessed the tragedy of this great general. 公元756年6月,潼关城破后,高适随唐玄宗逃到四川成都,7月李鼎登基为帝,随后江南永王李璘起兵争夺皇位,邀在庐山闲居的李白到军中作《永王东巡歌》。 高适作为将领奉命征讨永王。 In June 756 AD, after the fall of Tongguan City, Gao Shi fled to Chengdu City with the Emperor. In July, Prince Li Ding ascended the throne. After that, Prince Li Lin rebelled and fought for the throne. He invited Li Bai, who lived idle in Lushan Mountain, to the army, and wrote a poem praising the prince Li Lin. Gao Shi, as a general, was ordered by the Emperor Li Ding to conquer the prince Li Lin. 756年,就在高适跟永王李璘作战的同时,数百里之外的睢阳已经困守数月,张巡以7000守军对战18万叛军,战况惨烈,史称睢阳之战。 In 756, while Gao Shi was attacking prince Li Lin. Hundreds of miles away, Gao Shi’s hometown Suiyang City, had been trapped for several months. the general Zhang Xun fought against 180,000 rebels with 7,000 defenders. 而睢阳正是高适的家乡,高适虽近在咫尺,却无法抽身救援,写信求就近的节度使贺兰进明支援睢阳。在《旧唐书》的记载里,这篇文辞恳切的求救信被认为是高适的代表作之一。 Although Gao Shi’s army was close to Suiyang City, he couldn’t rescue his hometown because of the war with Prince Li Lin, He wrote a letter requesting general Helan from a nearby city to support Suiyang. (In historical records, this distress letter is considered one of Gao Shi’s masterpieces.) 睢阳张巡也派下属前去求救皆被拒。直到张巡与一众守军战死,睢阳城破三天后,其他援军才赶到,叛军已经撤走。而这时,整个睢阳已经是一片死城。历史记载睢阳3万百姓,战后仅剩400余人。 Suiyang’s general Zhang Xun also sent his subordinates to ask for help, but they were all rejected. It was not until General Zhang Xun died in battle and Suiyang City fell three days later that other reinforcements arrived, and the rebels had already withdrawn. At this time, the entire Suiyang City was already a dead city. (According to historical records, there were 30,000 people in Suiyang, and on
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