Paul Atreides, the protagonist of the first two Dune movies by Denis Villeneuve, is one of the most fascinating characters that has been put to screen in recent sci-fi movies, thanks to the incredible portrayal by Timotheé Chalamet and obviously the solid foundation of Frank Herbet’s novels. The idea to split the first novel in two cinematic chapters gave to Denis and also the actor Timotheé Chalamet to dive deeper into his character, add more nuanches and emotional complexity to the character, and explore with more accuracy his vengeful path and his rise as the Kwisatz Haderach / Lisan al-Gaib. In this video I kept a good portion of my original suite for Paul Atreides, but I expanded it with the additional music that Hans Zimmer wrote for ’Part Two’ and including in this montage a lot of musical elements from my previous Kwisatz Haderach suite and the Holy War theme (featured in “Eclipse“ and “Southern Messiah“). Paul’s iconic theme has also found a fresh life with the new variations for the film in tracks like “You Fough Well“, “Arrival“ and “Travel South“, all of which convey a visceral, powerful and intimitating tone to the music - and it’s perfectly coherent with Paul’s development in the movie since he fully embraces his identity as Lisan al-Gaib and leads the Fremen to war against the Harkonnen and the Emperor himself. * = edited Tracklist 00:00 Song of the Sisters Sardaukar Intro 00:08 Gom Jabbar Mind-killer 00:19 Gom Jabbar Mind-killer Song of the Sisters (Drums) 01:17 Gom Jabbar 01:54 Gom Jabbar Mind-killer 01:56 You Fought Well 03:29 Dream of Arrakis Resurrection 03:35 Resurrection * 04:33 Southern Messiah 04:53 Eclipse 05:57 Southern Messiah * 06:52 Herald of Change 07:51 Herald of Change The One 08:06 The One 09:38 The One Paul’s Dream * 10:13 Paul’s Dream 14:39 Leaving Caladan 16:16 Ripples in the Sand 17:29 Ripples in the Sand Worm Ride 17:35 Worm Ride 18:17 Ripples in the Sand Worm Ride * 19:15 Arrival * 20:42 Travel South 21:41 Worm Army 23:33 Harvester Attack 23:56 My Road Leads into the Desert 24:03 My Road Leads into the Desert Only I Will Remain 24:11 Only I Will Remain 25:44 Only I Will Remain My Road Leads into the Desert 25:49 My Road Leads into the Desert #dune #duneparttwo #paulatreides #hanszimmer #kwisatzhaderach
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