


Maha Cundi Dharani - (3-hours version) / - Calm, Dispel disasters, remove confusion()

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नमः सप्तानाम् सम्यक्सम्बुद्ध कोटीनाम्।तद्यथा। ओं चले चुले चुन्दी स्वाहा। Sanskrit梵: namaḥ saptānām samyaksambuddha koṭīnām|tadyathā| oṃ cale cule cundī svāhā| 南無。颯多喃。三藐三菩陀。俱胝喃。怛姪他。唵。折隸。主隸。準提。娑婆訶。 (中文在後) Recitation of Chun Ti Shen Chou, or the Cundi Dharani in Sanskrit, is for sincerely asking assistance from Guan Yin Bodhisattva to fulfill wishes. Some of its great powers include success in career development; a harmony in marriage and relationships; and academic achievements. It is particularly helpful for young adults for finding a suitable job and partner in life. However, the wishes you make must be reasonable and legitimate. For Daily Recitation Generally, 21, 27, or 49 times per day; can be recited day or night. Prayer Before reciting this mantra, you can say your prayer or wish as follows, “May the Great Merciful and Great Compassionate Guan Yin Bodhisattva protect and bless me, <your full name>, grant me good fortune and success in a career (or any other reasonable wish you may have).” In the sūtra, after the Buddha speaks extensively about the various effects and benefits of reciting the Cundī Dhāraṇī. Many of the effects are purifying and uplifting in nature. For example, after pronouncing the dhāraṇī, the Buddha then says: If there are bhikṣus, bhikṣuṇīs, upāsakas, or upāsikās who memorize and recite this dhāraṇī 800,000 times, their deadly karma in every place, created over innumerable eons, will be completely annihilated. In every place where they are born or reside, they will always meet buddhas and bodhisattvas. They will always have adequate resources and abilities to do as they wish. In any birth, they will always be able to leave the home life, and will have the ability to maintain the pure precepts of a bodhisattva. They will be born in human or heavenly realms, they will not fall into evil destinies, and they will always be protected by all the heavenly guardians. 稱為神咒之王的準提神咒,其加持威力不可思議,他的感應甚為疾速與強大,持誦者可祈求聰明智慧,辯論勝利、夫婦相互敬愛、使他人生起敬愛、增進人際關係、求得子嗣、延長壽命、治療疾病、滅除罪業、祈求降雨、脫離拘禁以及遠離惡鬼、惡賊之難等等,種種的祈願,無不滿足。 「準提菩薩這個咒子感應是非常大的,但是要感應大,千萬注意啊! 諸位,我們修佛法的人要有利他的心( 利益他人的心 ),不要專求自利; 以利他之心去念,感應就很快⋯⋯ 至於你們世間法的求——求長壽健康功名富貴家庭平安, 那就不一定要照什麼儀軌來修,你只要念咒子就行了 ! 就那么簡單一個事。」- 南懷瑾 迦牟尼佛當年在菩提樹下悟道,是修“準提法”時,觀頭頂上的一個“LA”字而悟道。 龍樹菩薩以偈贊準提法曰:“準提功德聚 寂靜心常誦 一切諸大難 無能侵是人 天上及人間 受福如佛等 遇此如意珠 定獲無等等。”  《大教王經》雲︰“七俱胝如來三身贊,說準提菩薩真言,能度一切賢聖,若人持誦,一切所求,悉得成就,不久證得,大準提果。是知準提真言,密藏之中,最為第一,是真言之母,神咒之王” 準提咒之殊勝在於: (1)準提咒,總含一切諸真言,一切真言,不能含準提,如大海能攝百川,百川不能攝大海。 (2)人人皆得誦持故,不問在家出家,飲酒食肉,有妻子等,皆能持誦。 準提法有十八般成佛功德 1、身無失 2、口無失 3、念無失 4、無異想 5、無不定心 6、無不知已舍 7、欲無滅 8、精進無滅 9、念無滅 10、慧無滅 11、解脫無滅 12、解脫知見無滅 13、一切身業隨智慧行 14、一切口業隨智慧行 15、一切意業隨智慧行 16、智慧知過去世無礙 17、智慧知未來世無礙 18、智慧知現在世無礙。 Recitation of Chun Ti Shen Chou, or the Cundi Dharani in

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