The Forecourt of Rashtrapati Bhavan saw a star-studded gathering for PM-designate Narendra Modi’s oath ceremony. Actor Rajinikanth, Adani Group Chairman Gautam Adani, and actor Akshay Kumar were among the notable attendees. Also present were actor Shah Rukh Khan, Reliance Industries Chairman Mukesh Ambani with his son Anant Ambani, actor Vikrant Massey, and filmmaker Rajkumar Hirani. #pmmodioathceremony #pmmodi #pmmodinewcabinetlist #pmnarendramodicabinet #pmnarendramodioathceremony #bjp The Indian Express covers all national & international news, which includes daily news updates, political news, election news, gadgets and Mobile reviews, technology updates, Entertainment News, Bollywood news, public opinions and views on daily trends. Indian Express newspaper offers a comprehensive package of news, including Indian Express editorial analysis and Indian Express analysis today. This well-respected publication covers a wide range of topics in its Indian Express editorial and India
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