CURRENT FERRO CHROME PRICE According to our price analysis of ferrochrome, the current ferrochrome price is slightly upward trend whether it is high carbon ferrochrome, medium carbon ferrochrome, and low carbon ferrochrome. From the manufacturer’s offer at the end of August, the price per ton of ferrochrome increased by 30-40 USD, and the time came to the middle of September, the price of ferrochrome increased by another 20-30 USD. high carbon ferrochrome price chart high carbon ferrochrome price chart REASONS FOR THE RISE IN FERRO CHROME PRICES Let’s take high-carbon ferrochrome as an example to explain why the price is slowly going up. The production of high carbon ferrochrome is mainly composed of raw chrome ore, coke, consumption of electricity, transportation cost of chrome ore, and other miscellaneous expenses. medium carbon ferro chrome prices chart medium carbon Ferro chrome prices chart Because China is already autumn, and about to winter, after winter electricity and other en
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