Throwback video from the wedding ceremony of Vindu Dara Singh and Farah Naaz. The duo got married in 1996 in the presence of several friends and celebs from the Bollywood industry. Sanjay Dutt, Bobby Deol, Raveena Tandon, Javed Akhtar, Danny Denzongpa, Sanjay KapoorTabu and many other celebs were seen enjoying at the function. Bollywood Villain Ranjeet’s Tell-All Interview With Bharathi S Pradhan | Timeless Superstars About Lehren: Lehren () is a complete Entertainment News Network mainly devoted to Indian Films, Television, Celebrity Coverage, and Pop Culture. It covers a wide array of film news, reviews, interviews, celebrity life, gossip, scoops, red carpet, and trends. Lehren is the first and most widely viewed and recalled Indian Entertainment destination. Lehren’s engagement with Showbiz dates from 1987, when it introduced several film-based entertainment shows for India’s then-emerging telev
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