Sume Suptha Gandham | Sadguru Sai Stotram | Prasanthi Bhajan Group | Guru Poornima 2023 #srisathyasai #prasanthinilayam #srisathyasaimediacentre #puttaparthi #gurupurnima #gurupurnima2023 This is the Sadguru Sai Stotram sung by the Prasanthi Mandir Bhajan Group in the Divine Presence of Bhagawan in Prasanthi Nilayam during Guru Poornima 2023. 1) Sume Supta Gandham Ghrutam Naamaksheere Tile Goodhatailam Cha Kaashte Stitaagnim Anantam Rutam Poornamomkaara Roopam Param Sadgurum Sai Natham Bhajeham (2) 2) Akhandam Alolam Akalkaatma Roopam Vibhum Vishwanaatham Tamadwaita Tatwam Balam Yad Shareere Trune Chaapi Vrukshe (Param...) 3) Sadaa Nirmalam Tam Sadaa Shuddha Satwam Chiram Dehanaatham Kshamaa Shaanti Sindhum Kane Samsthitam Sarva Jeevepi Praanam (Param...) 4) Niraakaara Tatwam Sadaakaara Vyaktam Sumaarge Chanetum Naraanaam Pravrittim Sadaa Paavanam Shaanti Prema Swaroopam (Param...) 5) Sadachaara Roopam Bhavam Vedasaaram Puraanetu Vandhyam Sajeeve Pramaanam Gurutwam Gurunaam Kavitwam Kaveenaam (Param...) 6) Vibhinnena Uktam Ghanam Shreshta Gnaanam Viditwaa Na Moham Bhayam Naasti Noonam Naro Yah Praveenah Sadaa Shuddha Chittaha Param Tatvamaapnotyanantam Prashaantim (Param...) The Sri Sathya Sai Media Centre is the media arm of Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust which spearheads the Sri Sathya Sai mission and is headquartered in Prasanthi Nilayam, Puttaparthi, India. This channel offers you content based on the life, message and mission of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba in the form of spiritual discussions, Baba’s Divine discourses, bhajans, devotional songs, music videos, insightful documentaries and so on. Our Digital Footprint Our App - “Prasanthi Connect“ Andriod: Apple: “Sri Sathya Sai“ Music in various platforms: Spotify : Apple Music : Jio Saavn : Amazon Music : Tidal : Wynk : Gaana : “Prasanthi Bhajan Group“ (Artist) Bhajans Spotify : Apple Music : Jio Saavn : Amazon Music : Tidal : Hungama : Wynk : Gaana : eBooks on Google Play Books Sathya Sai Media Centre“&biw=1821&bih=876&tbm=bks&ei=Au2OY-_NDY_n4-EPqcSRsAc&ved=0ahUKEwjv1tz_ueT7AhWP8zgGHSliBHY4ChDh1QMICQ&uact=5&oq=inpublisher:“Sri Sathya Sai Media Centre“&gs_lcp=Cg1nd3Mtd2l6LWJvb2tzEANQyBZYzCBgkiNoAHAAeACAAXGIAeUGkgEDOC4ymAEAoAEBwAEB&sclient=gws-wiz-books Smule LinkedIn : Podcasts Sri Sathya Sai Speaks - Sri Sathya Sai Podcast -
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