English name:The island of Siliang Donghua Series:眷思量 (Juan Siliang) ❤️ It's a new clip release on Guangzhou CICF×AGF Animation and Game Expo yesterday. ❤️ And Season 2 will be back on this winter 2023 Animation Studio:China Year Young Culture 炎央文化 and Wulifang-Studio 吾立方 Season1 EP1-15, Release date: June 14, in China Tencent Animation channel. WeTV app. WeTV channel. WeTV Thailand. AMV 这是眷思量昨天9月30日参加CICF×AGF广州动漫游戏展公布的最新片段。在眷思量微博官方号也有同步发布。❤️眷思量第二季已出现在腾讯动漫微博官方号今年下半年即将上线的动画名单列表中,期待2023年冬季如期而至。 #theislandofsiliang #Juansiliang #Donghua —————————— 本频道没有开任何收益.Non-profit in this channel. If there are some advertisement here, it is caused by the copyright of the background music. 如有广告出现,是因为背景音乐版权导致的 Any questions about Chinese animation and games are welcome on my channel. I will try my best to give the answer. —————————— Chinese Donghua and Games CGI 3D Animation Trailers/PV Recommend Animation Music Video, Donghua Music Video, AMV ———— Donghua3D Chinese Animation
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