Bull taming sport, jallikattu, began in Avaniyapuram village in Tamil Nadu’s Madurai district amid much cheering from the crowd on Monday. Jallikattu is a popular bull-embracing sport traditionally played in Tamil Nadu during the Pongal harvest festival in the second week of January. The event will be held for three days. On the first day, Jallikattu will be held in Avaniyapuram, on second day in Palamedu and on the third day in Alanganallur. Meanwhile, on 23 January, Tamil Nadu CM MK Stalin will inaugurate the newly-built Madurai Jallikattu stadium. The new Jallikattu stadium being built near Alanganallur in Madurai district, is named after former chief minister of the state and late DMK leader M Karunanidhi. #jallikkattu #tamilnadu #news18live
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