#歡迎追蹤並且分享我們的音樂 #CROSSMAN #被創造來讚美 敬拜畫面►台北靈糧堂青年牧區 ● Holywood影視團隊 完整敬拜► 被創造來讚美 / Born to Praise 詞曲 Lyricist & Composer:Galileo Seven, Dre Zagman, Marvin Strait 主領 Worship Leader:李匯晴 Green Lee、張家綺 Angela Chang、趙治達 David Chao 中譯詞 Translator:CROSSMAN ﹥Verse 1 當我睜開眼那一刻 From the moment that I wake up 打扮的時刻 Put on my make up 祢就在我身邊 You are right there with me 不管什麼阻擋了我 Doesn’t matter what I go through 祢帶我突破 You’re my breakthrough 祢比我還認識我 You know everything about me 祢聽見我心中的每個禱告 You heard every prayer that came from my heart 而祢愛我 And You love me 祢超愛我 Yes You love me ﹥Verse 2 一想到我是祢的創造 When I think of how You made me 也太奇妙 我擁有祢的美好 It’s amazing, I reflect Your beauty 我活著的每一秒 Every moment that I’m living 你無限心意向我顯明 No counting Your thoughts towards me 生命充滿了祢的恩典 Your grace woven through every part 而祢愛我 And You love me 祢愛我 You love me ﹥Chorus 被創造來敬拜讚美 I was made for worship and praise 在你懷抱中淪陷 To be lost in Your embrace 被創造來愛你 永遠 I was made to love You always 被造來讚美 I’m born to praise ﹥Rap Stand up, stand up, stand up Stand up, everybody, yeah 讓讚美升起 祂同在降下 The praise goes up, His presence comes down 越是困難的 環境 我讚美絕不安靜 Lift my voice to the Lord, when there’s trouble all around 我被造來讚美 活出祂的榮美 I was born to praise, living in His glory 神心情超好 讓我們微笑 Now I’m feeling the sun rays, walking on cloud nine 斜槓的人生 神的夢成真 我們已得勝 Life on the incline, living in God’s dream, victory now mine (woo) 我說哈利路亞 Praise Jehovah Shout it Hallelujah, praise Jehovah, shout it out 我被造來敬拜祂 I was made to worship Him 祂是永遠的君王 I was born to praise the king 高舉雙手敬拜祂 Lift my hands and worship Him Hey順境或逆境 我讚美激進 Hey, There’s nothing like Him, nothing like Him 我們一起敬拜祂 We were made to worship Him 祂是永遠的君王 We were born to praise the king 一起讚美祂 Give Him all the praise ﹥Bridge 被創造來敬拜 I was made for worship 要來尊崇你的名 I was made to bless Your name - 奉獻 Asia for JESUS/ 約書亞樂團事工 聯繫約書亞樂團: - 這裡可以找到我們! YouTube▸ Apple Music▸ Spotify▸ KKBOX▸ My Music▸ friDay音樂▸ LINE MUSIC▸ - 異象工場官方商城▸ 約書亞樂團官網▸ 約書亞樂團Facebook▸ 約書亞樂團Instagram▸ 約書亞樂團微博▸ 約書亞樂團微信▸joshuaband
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