Title: Tag: A Classic Game Explained Tag, a timeless game enjoyed by people of all ages, has been a playground staple for generations. Simple yet exhilarating, Tag combines speed, strategy, and a dash of adrenaline as players chase and evade one another in a spirited pursuit. If you’re new to the world of Tag or need a refresher on the rules, fear not! In this guide, we’ll explore the basic rules of Tag, ensuring that you’re ready to join in the fun with confidence. **1. Getting Started**: To begin a game of Tag, gather a group of players in an open space such as a park, playground, or backyard. Ensure that there are no obstacles or hazards that could pose a safety risk during gameplay. **2. Designating “It“**: One player is designated as “It“ to start the game. This player’s primary objective is to tag, or touch, other players to transfer the “It“ status to them. **3. Tagging Rules**: Once the game begins, the player who is “I
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