


Mei-Lan - Soul Healing Music

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About Mei-Lan: “I am Mei-lan Maurits -- Sound Oracle, Intuitive Guide, and clear, open channel of the Divine. It is my soul’s purpose to be a conduit for light, love, and Divine presence. Through my sound healings, guided meditations, and courses, I bring frequencies of Divine love and peace to assist in the healing of humanity and Mother Earth. These sounds and tones carry the vibration of timeless wisdom, and the frequencies span from the ancient to the angelic. My sacred work is bridging these higher frequencies into our physical realm so that you remember the wisdom and essence of your soul. This is how we bring heaven to earth. I am devoted and dedicated to bringing these transmissions to our beloved planet during this time of great awakening. At the core of all us is peace. Oftentimes, this peace is wrapped in layers of fear, doubt, and hurt. Through connecting to Source love and channeling sounds of healing, I support people in this remembrance of who they are on a soul level -- pure love. This shifts their vibration to peace, joy, love, and abundance, which is their most sacred truth. My life journey hasn’t always been easy or full of love and light. My devotion and connection to the Divine has been fortified due to what I have learned and the ways I have chosen to walk a path of service. On my spiritual path, I have learned that in order to truly serve and to fulfill what I came here to do, I had to learn to love, honor, and respect myself. I needed to learn to hold myself in reverence and remember that I am sacred and worthy of love. I also realized during this time that everything, including each of our thoughts, carries a vibration that releases out into the universe and is felt through all humanity and the Earth. This is what began my path of healing and empowerment. These soulful revelations started my journey into devotion, sacredness, prayer, and the healing power of meditation and sound. Deep within my soul, I feel the power of sound, frequency, and vibration. It is my intention for us all to raise our vibration and our consciousness into harmony and alignment with Source love, so that we may awaken humanity during this potent time on Mother Earth. So, beloved, here I am. My heart is overflowing with love and gratitude to feel you here with me in this space. Every day, I choose to be a clear and open channel so that with all my love, power, and presence, I am a beacon of light and I bring the healing essence of Source love to the world. Through love and Divine grace, I have activated my gifts -- and my gifts are for you and for humanity. It is my intention to inspire and to guide you to ignite into a remembrance of who you truly are, so that you can become the highest expression of yourself. Remember... Through your sacred presence, your deep breaths, and your unique soul’s light, you have a Divine purpose here. I feel so blessed and honored to be a guide on your journey of awakening deep love, peace, connection, abundance, joy, light, and healing into your life.“ *** This channel exists to bring you quality music from different times, places and spiritual traditions. You can, at your discretion, use them for the practice of meditation, yoga, religious ceremonies or simply for your musical delight. Keep your mystical vibes. Did you like this song a lot? You will certainly find similar ones in the playlists Beyond The Infinity and Deep Inside The Soul. If you can and if you want, be our partner. With your support, we will always continue to bring you songs selected with great care and affection. Thanks for considering helping us with any amount. Your gesture will certainly make a big difference. Paypal: Este canal existe para traerte música de calidad de diferentes épocas, lugares y tradiciones espirituales. Puede, a su discreción, utilizarlos para la práctica de meditación, yoga, ceremonias religiosas o simplemente para su deleite musical. Mantén tus vibraciones místicas. ¿Te gustó mucho esta canción? Seguramente encontrará otros similares en las playlists Beyond The Infinity y Deep Inside The Soul. Si puedes y si quieres, sé nuestro socio. Con su apoyo, siempre seguiremos trayendo canciones seleccionadas con mucho mimo y cariño. Gracias por considerar ayudarnos con cualquier monto. Sin duda, su gesto marcará una gran diferencia. PayPal:

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