The Disappearance of Dorothy Arnold: Vanishing into Mystery in the Gilded Age In the dazzling and opulent era of America’s Gilded Age, a young socialite’s mysterious disappearance would become an enduring enigma that continues to intrigue and puzzle investigators and historians—the vanishing of Dorothy Arnold. Dorothy’s story, set against the backdrop of New York City’s high society in the early 20th century, remains one of the most confounding and enduring unsolved mysteries in the nation’s history. Dorothy Arnold, a vivacious and privileged young woman from a well-to-do family, vanished without a trace on December 12, 1910. She was 25 years old and seemingly on a routine shopping excursion when she mysteriously disappeared into the bustling streets of Manhattan, never to be seen or heard from again. The circumstances surrounding Dorothy’s disappearance presented a labyrinth of perplexing details and unanswered questions. There were no eyewitnesses or conclusive e
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