In 2017, Entertainment Weekly reunited the cast of 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer' for the show’s 20th anniversary. Watch the full PeopleTV special to see Sarah Michelle Gellar, David Boreanaz, Allyson Hannigan, James Marsters, Alexis Denisof, Seth Green, Emma Caulfield, Charisma Carpenter, Kristine Sutherland, Amber Benson, Michelle Trachtenberg and Nicholas Brendon reminisce about Sunnydale, if they're Team Angel or Team Spike, whether or not they'd be up for a reboot and reflect on the show’s series finale that aired on May 20, 2003. Subscribe to People ►► #BuffyTheVampireSlayer #Reunion #PEOPLE #EntertainmentWeekly #Buffy #SarahMichelleGellar #DavidBoreanaz #AllysonHannigan #JamesMarsters #AlexisDenisof #SethGreen Catch up on the latest celebrity news, top stories and more: PEOPLE goes behind-the-scenes with our cover stars for exc
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