One of India's 'most wanted' terrorists, Ikramul Haque, alias Abu Talha, has been arrested. Al-Qaeda terrorist Ikramul was arrested on May 30 in Bangladesh's capital Dhaka along with his wife by Bangladesh's counterterrorism and transnational crime unit. Ikramul is one of the top leaders of the AQ branch of Al-Qaeda in the Indian Subcontinent (AQIS). Watch Indian authorities' year-long chase for Ikramul has come to an end. #ikramul #mostwanted #terrorist #india #alqaide #abutalha #ikramulhaque #bangladesh #dhaka #aqis #ats Hindustan Times Videos bring you news, views and explainers about current issues in India and across the globe. We’re always excited to report the news as quickly as possible, use new technological tools to reach you better and tell stories with a 360 degree view to give you a better understanding of the world around you.
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