Short Synopsis: “Siamo Tutti Rom” is a short documentary about Romanian and Romani immigrants in Rome. It depicts the journeys of two Romanian women: one is the three hour journey that Marian, a Romani, endures everyday in order to take her children to school; the other is a migratory journey from Romania to Italy that Elena, a non-Romani, made in search of a brighter future. The plight of these two women is set against a backdrop of talking heads from social workers, anthropologists and university professors. PLEASE NOTE: One protagonist is a Romanian immigrant, the other is a Romani (gypsy) from Romania; this film is in no way implying that Romanians and Romani are the same, nor is it implying that all inhabitants of Rome are Romani. It is simply making a statement that Romani are suffering from a bad reputation, which has also ignorantly been passed onto Romanian immigrants who are not Romani. Also, the title “Siamo Tutti Rom“ (We are all Romani) is a play on words. The word Rom refers to gypsies howev
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