Genre: Narrative/Romance Director: Yu Chun Screenwriter: Tang Jiayu / Zhai Du / Bao Danlu / Yuan Yuan / Xin Yiwu Cast: Song Qian / Ou Hao / Sun Yi / Tang Yuzhe / Xia Ningjun Synposis: The best time of life is be with the one you love. Born in a small village,Xiang Yuan lived a poor but happy life. She grew up with Ye Qian Ze and formed a great friendships. The return of Qian Ze’s father broke up their peaceful life. Qian Ze moved to Guangzhou and started a new life. One year later, the two reunited in the same university, love flourished. Family pressure and the interference of outsiders caused misunderstanding and contradiction between the two. However, Xiang Yuan never gave up, she used her indomitable perseverance and eventually became a indispensable assistant to Qian Ze. After Returned from abroad, Qian Ze understood more about his responsibilities. He took over his father’s job and saved a near-bankrupt estate with Xiang Yuan. When all settled, they realized that in the hard times, their unshaken love w
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