A young man named Prakash, who claims he is the son of Lucknow-based Tehsildar, arrives in a village and falls in love with Roopa, who lives a middle-class lifestyle with her widowed mother, Radha, and servant, Gopal. Prakash will soon find out that all is not well when he comes across a framed photograph of Roopa in the company of a young man. Who is that man in the photo and how is he related to Roopa? SUBSCRIBE for the best Bollywood videos, movies and scenes, all in ONE channel Like, Comment and Share with your friends and family. Watch more Bollywood videos and movies starring your favourite celebrities like Amitabh Bachchan, Raj Kapoor, Dharmendra, Zeenat Aman, Vidya Balan, Govinda, Salman Khan and many more, only on Facebook - Twitter - Google - shemaroo Pinterest - Sig
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