Pearl V Puri recently made his Bollywood debut alongside Divya Khosla Kumar and Meezaan Jafri in Yaariyan 2, and post the film’s release, the actor got in an exclusive conversation with Bollywood Bubble host Akash Bhatnagar where he spoke about his acting journey, being an outsider and people looking down at TV. Two years ago, Pearl faced the toughest phase of his life when he was involved in a case that had him serve 10 days in prison. The actor opened his heart out about that time when he was dealing with the demise of his father, his mother’s cancer diagnosis and his legal trouble at the same time. He spoke about wanting to end his life, the 10 days in jail that were like hell for him and being wronged by the people. He shared if the incident made him cautious about interacting with his fans and expressed gratitude for the support he got from Ektaa R Kapoor and Divya. Watch the entire heart wrenching chat here. #pearlvpuri #yaariyaan2 #bollywoodbubble Teaser- 0:00 Introduction- 1
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