Loads more TV Themes at: The Brady Bunch is an American sitcom created by Sherwood Schwartz and starring Robert Reed, Florence Henderson, and Ann B. Davis. The series revolved around a large blended family. The show originally aired from September 26, 1969 to March 8, 1974 on ABC and was subsequently syndicated internationally. Mike Brady (Robert Reed), a widowed architect; with three sons, Greg (Barry Williams), Peter (Christopher Knight), and Bobby (Mike Lookinland); marries Carol Ann Martin (née Tyler) (Florence Henderson), who has three daughters: Marcia (Maureen McCormick), Jan (Eve Plumb) and Cindy (Susan Olsen). The wife and daughters take the Brady surname. Producer Schwartz wanted Carol to have been a divorcée but the network objected to this. A compromise was reached whereby no mention was made of the circumstances in which Carol’s first marriage ended. Included in the blended family are Mike’s live-in housekeeper, Alice Nelso
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